of the Month:
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Kite - Open, Feedback Records
Open is the second CD from the Swedish pop rock group Kite. According to
their label, Open is harder in style than the previous album, Soil. That's not the
impression you'll get when the first song starts spinning. Rather than starting the album
at full force, this track (Core) begins with gentle guitar playing and friendly sounding
vocals. But this is just the start. After 35 seconds Kite unleashes their heavier sound
with which they've filled this album. Still they are a melodic rock band, but with a heavy
rock sound and slight metal influences (especially in Prime-Time). The music can be very
catchy, melody driven, like in Fly Into The Sun, Timeless and Prime-Time. Soft parts are
varied by heavier passages. The vocals are clean and fit the songs well. Overall
this is a real nice melodic rock album. Some songs will stick fast in your mind. |